More than 157,000 Greeks have registered to postal vote in the June 9 European elections, according to official figures released by the Greek government on Saturday.
Of this figure, 774 Greeks have registered to vote from Oceania, which includes Australia.
According to Ekathimerini, the number of registered expatriate voters still exceeds those in Greece’s 2023 parliamentary elections, where nearly 23,000 registered for in-person voting. Turnout was approximately 18,000 in May and 15,600 in June.
These figures come as the deadline to register for the postal vote is today (Monday, April 29) at 11.59pm Athens, Greece time. Expatriates should note the time difference with their home country to avoid missing the registration deadline.

How to register to vote:
- Which electoral process does it concern? European elections, June 9th
- What is the registration deadline? April 29th
- Where do I register? On the platform
- How do I register? Either with your TaxisNet codes or with a valid Greek passport number, combined withthe ID number / municipality registration number
- I don’t have a valid passport or TaxiNet codes, how can I register? At any Greek Consulate, with any Greek identification document, identity card, passport or driver’s license, even if they are old / expired
- What information should I fill in? Contact details, residential address and the address to which I wish the electoral material to be sent. No documents required!
- Where can I find instructions? Here: (in GR)
- I need more help. What can I do? Call +30 210 626 6222 – available 24/7
- When will I receive the envelope with the electoral material? Within May, at the address already stated during the registration process. The envelope will contain detailed instructions.
- Until when should I send it back to Greece? The envelope must be received by June 8, 17.00 pm Greek time. The shipping address is pre-filled.
READ MORE: Register for the postal vote: Everything you need to know.