Kon Karapanagiotidis and ASRC team raise over $1.4 million for refugees


Founder and CEO of Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC), Kon Karapanagiotidis OAM and his team raised just under one and a half million dollars for World Refugee Day in 17 hours.

In a post on X last Thursday, June 20, Karapanagiotidis shared how the ASRC team raised $1,384,790 as of 11 pm on World Refugee Day. By Monday, 24th, the $1.4 million target had reportedly been reached.

Karapanagiotidis also thanked those who donated to the cause later in the post.

The Melbournian of the Year for 2023 has established a virtuous domain of volunteers, many of whom are refugees and migrants themselves.

As the son of migrants who fled war-torn Greece in the 1950s, his aim continues to encourage every second and third generation of Greeks, born here, to remember where they have come from.




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