Greece’s Defence Minister unveils upgrade for Hellenic Airforce


Greece’s Defence Minister, Nikos Dendias visited the General Directorate for Defense Equipment and Armaments on Monday to discuss “Agenda 2030” – the upgrades of the Hellenic Air Force and Navy.

According to, the Air Force will acquire 200 state-of-the-art aircraft by 2030, gradually removing from operation third- and fourth-generation combat aircraft.

Greece’s Defence Minister, Nikos Dendias visited the General Directorate for Defense Equipment and Armaments on Monday to discuss “Agenda 2030”
Greece’s Defence Minister, Nikos Dendias (centre-front) visited the General Directorate for Defense Equipment and Armaments on Monday to discuss “Agenda 2030”. Photo: Ekathimerini.

The strategy also involves bolstering and upgrading the fleet with new FDI frigates, exploring collaborative construction of new Constellation frigates, and establishing a defense innovation ecosystem through the Greek Center for Innovation Development (ELKAK).

“We want to change the current reality of ‘buying foreign arms off the shelf’. To strengthen our own defense industry and move ahead to advanced production of multiplier forces,” Dendias said.





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