The Food for Thought Network Inc (FFTN) has announced the success of its recent inaugural Global Women and Hellenism conference held in Greece.
One of the key highlights was the creation of a powerful production titled “We Must Stand Together: You and Me.”
This moving piece was designed to raise awareness about gender-based violence and amplify the voices of those affected.
The production of this impactful four-minute video was a labour of love, involving over 100 hours of in-kind contributions from dedicated individuals.
The FFTN are now sharing it as part of the global 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence campaign, to inspire action and solidarity worldwide.
The FFTN invites all organisations and advocates to share the video widely, as people stand united against gender-based violence. Together, you can raise awareness, foster dialogue, and drive meaningful change.
For more information, please contact or call 0403 034 527.