On Saturday, February 8, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia’s (GOAA) Holy Diocese of Adelaide participated in the sixth annual ‘Walk for Life’ rally at Pennington Gardens, organised by Love Adelaide to raise awareness for the protection of the unborn.
The event attracted 4,000–5,000 attendees, including Christian leaders from various denominations and State and Federal MPs. His Grace Bishop Silouan of Adelaide represented His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia at the event.
This year’s theme, “Real men protect babies,” aimed to highlight men’s role in the debate. As in previous years, the rally featured speeches and a live broadcast of a fetal heartbeat over the PA system.
A counter-protest sought to disrupt the event but gathered only around 50 people, and the walk proceeded peacefully along King William Road, past Parliament House, and back to Pennington Gardens, with SA Police ensuring a smooth procession.
The Holy Diocese of Adelaide played an active role in the event, with many Orthodox faithful carrying icons and Central Philoptochos hosting a food van for participants and volunteers.