The 1st Yaralla Scout Group were overwhelmed after receiving a total of $8,900 in federal funds for an upgrade to their scout clubhouse and boatshed.
Member for Reid, Dr Fiona Martin MP, supported the Scout Group through a $7,700 Stronger Communities Programme grant to restore the community facilities situated in Rhodes.
“The Clubhouse, which is located on the gorgeous Paramatta River, is a great community asset. I’m glad it’s undergone the restorations it needed to be safe and functional for our Sea Scouts,” Dr Martin stated.
“The Sea Scouts have the opportunity to do activities like kayaking and sailing, while also learning leadership and teamwork skills that they will use throughout life,” Dr Martin said.
“Supporting volunteers from groups like the 1st Yaralla Sea Scouts means that the younger members of our community have opportunities to make connections, improve their social skills and build their self-esteem.”

Venturer Scout Leader Ms Wendy Berlecky said that the upgrade has taken place ahead of the Sea Scout’s centenary celebrations.
“Our Scout Group will be turning 100 next year, and it is always a challenge to keep the facilities up to date,” Ms Berlecky said.
“The Stronger Communities Grant has allowed the 1st Yaralla Sea Scouts to install an awning at the front of our hall, update the fire staircase and finalize the construction of a wall, all of which goes towards our number one goal of keeping our youth safe and giving them the opportunities to have fun and learn.”
A further $1,200 of funding was supplied through the Morrison Government’s Volunteer Grants for an IT upgrade.
“As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many community organisations like the 1st Yaralla Scout Group are depending on technology to deliver their programs,” Dr Martin said.
“By ensuring our volunteers have the tools they need, we can continue to keep our community connected.”

Ms Berlecky agreed that the grant will allow the Sea Scouts to carry on with their programs during the pandemic.
“Scouts Australia is transitioning to a new Youth Program that rejuvenates the way scouting has been delivered. The new program will maximise the digital era we live in,” Ms Berlecky stated.
“The IT upgrade will allow 1st Yaralla to purchase a new laptop to ensure all our youth and leaders have the means to stay in touch with the new program while also creating additional opportunities to communicate with international and national groups more easily.”
The 1st Yaralla Scout Group are one of the few groups to offer programs for youth of all ages, including sections from Joeys (5-8 year olds) to Rovers (18-26 year olds).
“Youth members are given the opportunity to learn and grow in a safe environment through an exciting and challenging program of activities,” Ms Berlecky stated.