New inclusive service helps the blind tour the Acropolis


Touring the Acropolis has just become more accessible with the introduction of conducting tours for the blind. The idea has been brought to life by the founder of alternative tour company, Alternative Athens, Tina Sklavolia-Kyriaki.

“Somehow, I started to think it is unfair for some people to be deprived of the incredible joy that travel offers,” Tina says in an interview with Ekathimerini.

“Since my job is to plan experiences for people, why not design a tour for visually impaired people?”

Special maps were created so that blind visitors could navigate and ‘read’ the Acropolis better. 

Tina says that the inspiration came from her love of travelling, a part of her life she couldn’t imagine being without.

“At one point I thought that if it was a feeling I would never want to lose, it would be vision – precisely because I cannot imagine life without travelling,” she says.

Source: Ekathimerini




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