After five star reviews at the Adelaide Fringe Festival with her show Safety Banana, Jacinda Patty is bringing her hit new show Tinder Cindy to the Sydney Fringe Festival for the very first time.
It’s a one-woman show like no other. Performed and produced by quadruple threat Jacinda Patty – that’s circus, singing, acting and dancing. This sequel to Safety Banana (which looked at Cindy’s overseas dating exploits) takes a step back in time to the late 1940’s with insights into dating both then and now.
This hilarious yet heartwarming comedy looks at our current Tinder culture and contrasts it with life in the 1940s, all while tying it up with Greek culture and the paradigm between adventure and stability.

Starting out with a bamboozled Cindy who has been stood up at a roller skating rink, this interactive show is for anyone who’s been stood up, who’s struggled on Tinder and who thinks the older generations had it easier.
At the heart of the show is Cindy’s Yiayia, who shares her tales and tribulations of dating in the 1940s. The ladies uncover that both then and now it’s not an easy road but packaged up with so many twists and turns you won’t see coming, and with a key message that self love is the best love.

“I am so excited to be bringing Tinder Cindy to Sydney audiences. It’s my hometown so you better get your tickets quickly, as my big Greek family is so big they’ll more than fill up the auditorium,” Jacinda says.
“I think we can all relate to Tinder culture, and we all have dating disaster stories, although Cindy’s may make you feel just that little bit better about your own!”
Jacinda’s desire to produce originated from her expertise and experience of a fusion of art forms including dance, theatre, music and circus. Her premier show Boxed In Sideways was launched at the 2018 award winning venue The Melba Hub. She has just wrapped up Safety Banana in the Melbourne International Comedy Festival 2021 and has also performed at Adelaide Fringe Festival.

READ MORE: Tinder Cindy brings yiayia’s dating wisdom to the Melbourne International Comedy Festival.
Full Details:
- Tinder Cindy is running for five nights from Tuesday, August 30 – Saturday, September 3 at 7.45pm.
- Venue: The Emerging Artist Sharehouse – The Living Room, The Erskineville Town Hall, 104 Erskineville Rd, Erskineville.
- Tickets are available here.