Year 12 students across Australia start their final examinations this week, marking the end of their formal school education and the beginning of a new journey.
The Greek Herald would like to wish all Year 12 students good luck in their upcoming exams and congratulate them on their resilience and determination through this unprecedented year.
Below is the following message from the Prime Minister of Australia, Scott Morrison:

“Starting this week, Year 12 students across Australia will begin their final examinations.
Like every Year 12 student before you, this marks the end of your formal school education.
After this, you may decide to study a university degree, learn a trade, study a vocational qualification, upskill with a microcredential, start a business or get a job.
There is no single pathway to success in life and you may find that life takes you down many different paths. That’s OK.
However you choose to pursue success in life, good luck.

COVID-19 has presented additional challenges and it has taken a lot from your final year of schooling.
Know that it won’t take your hard work or diminish the quality of your years in school. Your results will be as valuable this year as any previous year.
It may not feel like it now, but the challenges of 2020 have made you more resilient, stronger, self-motivated and adaptable. These will be useful qualities for the rest of your life.
So to the Class of 2020, good luck with your final exams and beyond.”