Year 12 student Steven Kostopoulos has graduated as dux of Oakleigh Grammar in Melbourne with an ATAR of 96.1 and VCE scores above 40.
He was followed by school captain Alexander Logan (91.4) and “hard-working” student Athanasios Millaras (91.15) to be the only three students to graduate with an ATAR over 90.
Just over half of all graduates scored ATARs over 70.

“The results this year are a testament to the determination and resilience of our students who never conceded but continued to push through despite the challenges faced over the past two years,” Oakleigh Grammar said in a statement.
“We are very proud of each and every one of our graduates and wish them well for the next part of their educational journey.”

Year 11 student Maria Andreou also achieved a 44/50 net score in Modern Greek.
“I am very proud of Maria’s success since she managed to excel in very difficult conditions,” a translated statement from Natasha Spanos, coordinator of the school’s language department, said.