The Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria joined forces with Yes23 and the Multicultural Australia for Voice alliance to launch the Victorian Multicultural Voices for ‘Yes’ awareness campaign.
A number of representatives from the Greek community were also present at the Federation Room of the Victorian Parliament including Bill Papastergiadis, Faye Spiteri, Tina Douvos-Stathopoulos, Maria Dimopoulos and George Lekakis.
The event was scheduled so as to harness the power of multicultural communities to raise awareness about why the recognition of our First Nations People in the Constitution is important.

Guest speakers at the event included Aunty Esme Bamblett, CEO of the Aboriginal Advancement League and a member of the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria, Minister for Multicultural Affairs Colin Brooks, and the Minister for Treaty and First Peoples Gabrielle Williams.
The Greek Community of Melbourne as an ECCV Member will be hosting its own community forum to inform its members about the referendum. The Islamic Council of Victoria is also hosting an event.
At the event Mo Elrafh of the ECCV said, “Our First Nations and multicultural communities have shared values that bind us. Our awareness campaign will empower and equip our diverse communities to have positive conversations and to make informed choices in the upcoming referendum.”
Minister Brooks added that “We’re thrilled to see the ECCV launch this awareness-raising campaign to harness the power and strength of our multicultural communities to achieve recognistion of First Nations People in our constitution.”

The CEO of the Aboriginal Advancement League Aunty Esme Bamblett said “Governments will get better
outcomes if they listen to Aboriginal people who know what our community needs.”
“Victoria has the most advanced treaty process in the country and the Andrews Labor Government is proud to support the constitutional recognition of First Peoples and a Voice to Parliament.” said minister William.
Bill Papastergiadis said that the “First Peoples deserve our support. As Migrant communities we too
understand the importance of inclusivity and diversity as a means of achieving a mere harmonious and fairer society”.