Sydney’s Pontian community gathered to attend a memorial service for the victims of the Greek Pontian genocide at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation of Our Lady in Redfern, Sydney on Sunday, May 14.

The service was presided over by Archimandrite Christophoros Krikelis, in the presence of the Press Counsellor at the Consulate of Greece in Sydney, Costas Giannakodimos; Sophie Cotsis MP; and representatives from Pontoxeniteas NSW, Panagia Soumela Sydney, Greek Pontian Society of Wollongong “Diogenes,” and the Federation of Pontian Associations of Australia.

Following the memorial service, there was a wreath laying ceremony outdoors.
This was followed by morning tea in the parish hall and there was also a small surprise in the form of traditional Pontian food, “Shourva.”