Eυχαριστούμε γιαγιά και παππού!
Today we celebrate Grandparents Day, a day where we thank our yiayia and pappou for everything they have done for us!
From potentially moving halfway across the world to a country they didn’t know and starting a family, to staying beside the family when life was hardest.
Grandparents Day is held every year on the last Sunday in October and, according to the NSW Government, it’s a day dedicated to spending time with an older loved one with the aim to connect across generations.
“Grandparents, grand-friends, kin, and those who take on the role of a grandparent in their family or community are celebrated for their contributions,” they explained.
“It’s a day to spend time with an older loved one and connect across the generations.”
To celebrate Grandparents Day, we asked members of the Greek community to tell us why their yiayia and pappou are special to them.
Haroula Giameos Pylarinos
“Αγαπάμε την γιαγιά μας την Παρασκευή, την προγιαγιά Χαρικλεια και τον προπαππού Ανδρέα, γιατί Μας δείχνουν καθημερινά την ατελείωτη αγάπη και στοργή τους.”
Με αγάπη από την Παρασκευή, Γεωργία και Ανδριάνα.
Constantinos Xydeas
“I’m very blessed to have grandparents that light up when I ask them to teach me the intrinsic ideals of being Greek in particular the history of our faith. Playing bouzouki for my pappou is just a bonus that fills my heart!“
Georgia Isakidis
“My Yiayia Dina is the most selfless and loving human I’ve ever encountered. The most gentle soul.
I was very blessed to be raised by a such a strong woman. She lost my Pappou whilst my mum was 3 months pregnant and she has described me as her happiness through that dark time.
She has forever encouraged me to be happy and follow my heart 💖 I love how much she loves me; even though I can’t cook or clean”
Matt Falasco
“This is a photo of my Yiayia Androniki (Nickie) Gorogianis-Chrisanthus and my Papou Stavros Steve G. Chrisanthus at my parents wedding on November 22, 1986. They were the best to me they loved me and I loved them.
My Yiayia who passed in 2008 from an incurable Thyroid Cancer was the Matriarch of our family!
While she was going through all that she was, wee spent so much time together and she would sing with me and tell me stories about growing up in Chicago, Illinois.
When she went, the whole family fell apart. But I know she and my Papou are watching us all from the heavens above. God rest their souls.“
Your grandson, Matthew (Ματθαίος)