Greek Orthodox Community of South Australia announces new Administrative Council


The new Board of Directors of the Greek Orthodox Community of South Australia (GOCSA) was appointed on Tuesday, 14 January 2025 during a meeting held at the Community’s offices in the presence of the 15 elected candidates, the Electoral and Supervisory Committees.

The members of the new Board for 2025-26 are: 

  • President: Peter Ppiros (Παναγιώτης Ππύρος)
  • Vice President: Stan Salagaras (Σταν Σαλαγάρας) 
  • General Secretary: Sylvia Casoudakis (Αργυρώ Κασουδάκη)
  • Assistant Secretary: Sophie Diamandi (Σοφία Διαμαντή)
  • Treasurer: Emanuel Frossinakis (Εμμανουήλ Φροσσινάκης)
  • Assistant Treasurer: Argiro Terzakis (Αργυρώ Τεριζάκη)
  • General Members: Penny Anagnostou (Πέννυ Αναγνώστου), Nickolas -Nick- Psarianos (ΝικόλαοςΨαριανός), Athanasios Koutelas (Κουτελάς Αθανάσιος), Arthas Flabouris (Άθας Φλαμπούρης), Arthur Galantomos (Αθανάσιος Γαλαντόμος), Peter Gonis (Παναγιώτης Γκόνης), Eleni Mermingis (Ελένη Μερμίγκη), Vasilios -Bill- Pantelis (Βασίλειος Παντέλης), Nicholas Glaros (Νικόλαος Γλάρος).

President Mr Ppiros said, “I congratulate all candidates for their participation in the electoral process and I wish all those elected strength and success in the difficult task we have undertaken.”

“It will take a lot of hard voluntary work from all of us and our priorities are, to rebuild the unity of the community, to strengthen and protect the Community’s finances, to ensure regular functioning of our churches, and to safeguard the democratic functioning and Community property in accord with our constitution,” Mr Ppiros added.

The new President highlighted that ecclesiastical issues will be reviewed later on with transparency and always in consultation with the members of the Community. 

He added that, in the meetings of the new Administrative Council, the principle of bilingualism – English-Greek – will be adopted as a measure to keep the Greek language alive.




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