Fronditha Care reports record growth and historic achievements at AGM


Fronditha Care hosted its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Tuesday, November 26, with more than 50 people in attendance.

In his opening remarks, Kostas Livadaras, Fronditha Care President and Board Chair, spoke to a year of notable achievements telling members: “This year, we have firmly established that we are a community of people with incredible impact who make a genuine difference to the lives of so many.”

He added, “We have achieved significant growth in our operations and largest turnover in our history, with a larger workforce than ever before supporting more elders than we have done in our 47-year history. Fronditha Care is thriving.”

Mr Livadaras noted that Fronditha Care’s success is rooted in more equitable and innovative ways of designing and delivering services, sustained by a robust workforce culture—a culture built on integrity, striving for excellence, smart thinking and innovation, and recognition of commitment and achievement.

He also spoke about the organisation’s finances.

“This year, Fronditha Care achieved robust financial performance, underscoring our commitment to sustainability and growth across the organisation. Our revenue increased to $106.9 million, the highest in our history, whilst EBITDA increased by 17% from FY22-23 to $9.7 million,” he said.

“Our productivity increased across Residential and Community Services alike with enviable occupancy rates of 98% and over 1,050 home care packages alone, again a first in our history. Our workforce also grew by 18% to over 1000 staff across Fronditha Care.”

Kostas Livadaras, Fronditha Care President and Board Chair.

Mr Livadaras spoke warmly about the establishment of the Fronditha Care Foundation, which marked a new era for the organisation.

“The Foundation was born out of a deep desire to build a better future for our elders and community. We are developing frameworks, programs and resources that will set new standards for delivering culturally specific aged care across Australia. We are very proud of what we have already achieved and excited about the next steps of the Fronditha Care Foundation,” he said.

Mr Livadaras ended his report saying: “We are preparing for the upcoming changes to the Aged Care Standards and the new Aged Care Act, noting that these sector reforms align with our ambition to turn our challenges into tomorrow’s opportunities, ensuring we continue to lead with integrity, compassion and a profound respect for the rich heritage of our organisation and the people we serve.”

Alex Dimou, Treasurer, provided a comprehensive financial report for members. He outlined the key factors underpinning Fronditha Care’s robust financial posture and addressed questions about the organisation’s performance.

Members congratulated the Board, CEO, and Executive team for their dedication and commitment to ensuring Fronditha Care thrives for many years to come.

The meeting unanimously endorsed three candidates who were nominated for election to the Board of Directors.

Fronditha Care has announced that the 2024 Fronditha Care Board members are:

  • Kostas Livadaras: President and Board Chair
  • Dr Stella Laletas: Vice President
  • Alex Dimou: Treasurer
  • Jim Babalis: Secretary
  • Dr Helen Kalaboukas: Director
  • Tammy Iliou: Director

You can view the Fronditha Care Annual Report 2023-2024 here: Make a donation through the Fronditha Care Foundation to support our work via this link




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