The centenary of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia (GOAA) was celebrated on Friday, March 22 with a concert by the Australian Hellenic Choir (AHC), conducted by Leon Vitogiannis.
The celebratory event, titled ‘In honour and memory – 100 years of the Holy Archdiocese of Australia,’ was held in the Centennial Hall of Sydney Town Hall.

Among the distinguished guests present on the night were Archbishop Makarios of Australia, Bishop Iakovos of Miletoupolis, Bishop Christodoulos of Magnesia, Bishop Bartholomew of Charioupolis, the Ambassador of Greece to Australia, Stavros Venizelos, and the Consul General of Greece in Sydney, Yannis Mallikourtis. Member for Miranda, Eleni Petinos MP, was also present.
After the music performance, Archbishop Makarios read a short speech which highlighted the Ecumenical Patriarchate’s role in Orthodoxy’s journey in Australia.

“We are moving forward in unity, in order to deliver a better future to the new generations,” the Archbishop said in his speech.
“Unity and mutual love are the only resources we can rely on to move forward and be led to the light… Everything else: selfishness, separations, dislikes, hatreds and ambitions, lead to darkness and decay.”
Speeches were also given by Mr Venizelos and composer Mr Vitogiannis.