Students, staff, parents and friends of St George College (SGC) in Adelaide, South Australia gathered on Saturday, September 17 to celebrate their Annual Greek Dance.
The dance was attended by over 400 guests including a number of officials such as His Grace Bishop Silouan of Sinope; the Consul General of Greece in Adelaide, George Psiachas; Federal Member for Adelaide, Steve Georganas MP; SA Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Tom Koutsantonis MP; City of West Torrens Mayor Michael Coxon; and parish priest Father Diogenis Patsouris; among many others.

All these attendees were treated to a three course meal at the event, and also enjoyed a number of Greek dancing performances by students from the College’s junior and senior campuses.
Over $20,000 was also raised on the night to fund refurbishments and improvements to the College’s infrastructure.

In terms of formal proceedings, there were a number of speeches on the night by College Principal, Peter Karamoshos, Bishop Silouan, and the President of the SGC Parents and Friends Committee, Kosta Barkoukis.
These formal proceedings concluded with live music by Greek band, Oneiro, and everyone gathering on the dancefloor to dance the night away.

After the event, Mr Barkoukis told The Greek Herald it was a fantastic night and it was “an honour to be part of the school and Greek Orthodox Community.”
“Through dedication and team work, our community is growing and our vision is to be the elite school in the western suburbs,” Mr Barkoukis said.

“The Greek Dance is testimony to the fantastic leadership of the school, the St George parish and the magnificent work of the Parents and Friends including Angela Drouganis, Marie Kartsonis, Despina Pastrikos, and Athena Wallbank.”
School Principal, Mr Karamoshos, also told The Greek Herald it was amazing to see everyone’s passion on the night for celebrating the Greek culture.
“It really was a wonderful reflection of our Greek culture and traditions,” Mr Karamoshos concluded.