Defence operations analyst, Dr Alexander Kalloniatis, has been awarded the 2021 Defence Minister’s Award for Achievement in Science and Technology.
According to the Department of Defence, Dr Kalloniatis has been conducting research and development in various ADF headquarters over the past 17 years, which has led to improved ADF command and control structures (C2) and created an agile ‘5th generation headquarters’ environment.
C2 is the capability by which information is passed and decision-making is delegated through an organisation to achieve missions. In the military context, that means the decision-making processes from the joint top-level headquarters to the war-fighters on the front line.
Dr Kalloniatis’ work at Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG) has led to new understanding about how to improve C2 agility, a critical enabler for modern defence operations.
“I have worked very hard as a defence scientist,” Dr Kalloniatis said after news of his award was announced.
“But from the day I walked in here a lot of people, leaders past and present, have put faith in me and have given me the opportunity to develop and build a profile in this area.

“I feel that my Minister’s Award also reflects on those colleagues and the patience they have put into developing DSTG’s operations analysis capability.”
Canberra’s local Greek community are also proud of Dr Kalloniatis’ achievements. In his spare time, he is lead chanter at St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in Kingston.
In a post on Facebook, the Church congratulated Dr Kalloniatis for his distinction and said: “we feel very proud for his achievement and for having him close to us and for making us rejoice with his melodic voice in our services.”
Source: Department of Defence.