On the 20th anniversary of the Europa Nostra Awards, Greece has been awarded two European Heritage Awards for 2022. These awards have been funded by the EU Creative Europe program.
Amongst 17 other European countries and dozens of heritage achievements, Greece was recognised in the “Conservation and Adaptive Reuse” and “Heritage Champions” categories.
Europa Nostra Executive President, Hermann Parzinger congratulated this years winners and commended them for being an example of how our heritage plays such a huge role in our lives.
“This year’s award winners are powerful examples of how our heritage reconnects us with nature, helps create a sense of belonging and place, and is an integral building block in developing a circular economy that supports a sustainable and inclusive way of life,” said Parzinger.
Greece was recognised for the restoration of the Monumnet of Episkopi on the island of Sikinos in the “Conservation and Adaptive Reuse” category, and in the second category of “Heritage Champions”, the award paid tribute to the late Costa Carras, who was know to have worked for more than half a century to promote Greece’s cultural and natural heritage.
“He was a visionary conservationist, an eminent historian and a true European,” said Europe Nostra in its statement.
Carras was the founder of the Society for the Environment and Cultural Heritage – ELLET, which was established in 1972 and has since been active in the fight for the preservation of Greece’s natural environment and cultural heritage.
“Many of the awarded initiatives demonstrate the enormous interest and engagement of young people for our heritage, our history, and our cultural identity, which is particularly relevant in this European Year of Youth,” said European Commissioner Mariya Gabriel.
Source: Greece Travel Pages