The Ethnic Communities’ Council of NSW’s (ECCNSW) board and members forum has been elected.
Among the newly elected nominees are 20 people of Greek heritage.
On the Board of Management are: Peter Doukas OAM, Jack Passaris OAM, Mary Karras, Emanuel Valageorgiou, Fiona Mouhtaris, George Bouteris and Sam Pashalis.
These re-elected nominees also join the following on the Members Forum: Con Pavlou, Fotini Loukis, Georgia Anastasopoulos, Irene Passaris, Maria Georgiou, Maria Lillis, Maria Markos, Patrice Laskas, Patty Markos, Paul Tsanis, Peter Onisforou, Steve Mouhtaris and Vasiliki Pavlou.

Established in 1975 at Sydney Town Hall by a mass rally of all ethnic communities in NSW, the ECCNSW is the peak multicultural body for all culturally and linguistically diverse communities in NSW.
Partnering with 361 community organisations, the non-profit association engages in advocacy, policy and sector development, whilst being specialists in community care and capacity building in disability.
Re-elected board member, Emanuel Valageorgiou, wrote on Facebook that it was “an honour to be re-elected … I look forward to working with my fellow directors once again in representing our wonderful member organisations as we promote social harmony and inclusion for all.”

Source: ECCNSW