Tasmanian Liberal MP for Clark, Simon Behrakis, has retained his seat in the state’s recent election held on March 23, 2024.
According to ABC News, the Tasmanian Liberals will win the most seats in the state’s new parliament, but have fallen short of majority government.
On election night, Behrakis expressed strong confidence in the Liberal Party’s ability to maintain government, stating, “At the moment, yeah, I am very confident that we will retain government.”
“If we fall short of a majority, we will have those conversations as necessary,” he said.
The Tasmanian Liberal MP also emphasised the Liberal Party’s commitment to fulfilling campaign promises.
“We’ll do it in a way that reflects what we’ve promised and what we’ve seen in the election, unlike the Labor Party,” Behrakis said.
Behrakis was elected to the seat of Clark in October 2023 following the resignation of Elise Archer.
Ms Archer announced her resignation at the end of September 2023. She announced she would leave the Assembly, then re-considered her position before resigning after Premier Rockliff threatened an early election unless she resigned from parliament or offered reliable support for the government.
With Tasmanians having put in their votes, Behrakis remains confident about the Liberal Party’s future in Tasmania.
Sources: Sky News Australia, The Mercury and ABC News.