Second ‘The Greeks Are Back’ conference to attract more senior executives from abroad


On November 23, 2022, the 2nd The Greeks Are Back Conference will be held in Athens, with the participation of Greek senior executives working for large multinational companies abroad.

The Greeks Are Back is an initiative organized by Public Affairs and Networks and has as its centerpiece an annual conference of Greek senior executives working abroad, in which they discuss and put forward specific proposals for the improvement of the attractiveness of Greece as an investment destination.

For the second time in a row, high-level executives of major foreign companies are coming to Greece, in a structured Conference, to share their experiences and suggestions on how Greece can enhance its position as an investment destination.

The Conference will include discussions in plenary and in six working groups, which will focus on investment prospects in: Sustainable Development & Circular Economy, Recovery Fund, New Economy, Efficient State, Real Estate, and Health.

The proposals of the working groups and plenary session will be made available in a concise paper titled “Initiative for Foreign Investments in Greece – 2022” which will be distributed to the government, the political parties, the parliament and other institutions.

The Conference will be attended by Minister of Finance, Christos Staikouras, Minister of Development and Investments, Adonis Georgiadis, General Secretary of Economic Diplomacy and Openness of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Chairman of Enterprise Greece, Ioannis Smyrlis, Head of the Economic Office of the Prime Minister, Alexis Patelis, and President of SEV hellenic federation of enterprises, Dimitris Papalexopoulos.

Also, Kimon Angelidis, Chairman FMTC, and Stathis Tzikakis, CEO of Sitecore, will address greetings.

The CEO of the organizing company Public Affairs and Networks and founder of The Greeks Are Back initiative, Andreas Yannopoulos, said: “Greek senior executives in major international companies around the world will once again, for the second year in a row, lend their expertise to the 2nd The Greeks Are Back Conference. Coming to Athens for two days and devoting significant time away from their busy professional schedules, these executives will formulate specific public policy proposals that can enhance the attractiveness of Greece as investment destination. We owe them warm thanks and sincere recognition for their important contribution!”

The 2nd THE GREEKS ARE BACK Conference is supported by diaNEOsis and Enterprise Greece as Strategic Sponsors, Polygreen, Performance Technologies, Accenture, JTI, CPA Law/KPMG, AbbVie as Sponsors, The Coca-Cola Company and Eurobank as Supporters, as well as AEGEAN as Air Transport Sponsor.

*The Greek Herald is a media sponsor of The Greeks Are Back conference

READ MORE: Andreas Yannopoulos: Attracting foreign investment is key to the Greeks Are Back initiative




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