In a meeting between Yiannis Bratakos, President of the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ECCI), and Australian Ambassador Alison Duncan, the potential for financing major investment projects in Greece was discussed.
The conversation highlighted the importance of a strategic approach to boosting bilateral trade and investment.
Ambassador Duncan emphasised the possibility of using Australia’s $3.5 billion pension fund to finance high-growth sectors in Greece, such as renewable energy and tourism.
The need for a free trade agreement (FTA) was also addressed, particularly to ease challenges faced by Greek food exports to Australia.
Both sides agreed on the importance of reviving FTA negotiations, which would also help Australia access the European agricultural market.
Bratakos underscored the need to increase tourism flows, suggesting targeted actions to promote Greek tourism in Australia, and discussed the potential for a direct Athens-Australia air connection.
Investment opportunities in sectors like tourism, renewable energy, real estate, and student housing were also explored.
Bratakos concluded, “Australia is an important market for Greece and there is great potential for further development of our cooperation. We will work closely with the Ambassador and the government to exploit these opportunities, remaining true to the vision of the ECCI to strengthen international business relations.”