On Monday, April 1, the tragic murder of a 28-year-old woman took place outside a nearby police station in Athens.
Despite seeking help against her ex-partner, who violated a restraining order, she was dismissed by officers after making a call to the police station just before the incident.
The police had replied stating, “Lady, police cars are not taxis”, prior to filing the victim’s complaint.

Ekathimerini revealed that she was killed outside the Athenian district Agioi Anargyroi police station after her ex-partner reportedly fatally stabbed her.
Her final words reported included,”He is here”, and then screams were followed.
Following the incident, five police officers, including the duty officer and supervisor, were then suspended.
Calls for recognising femicide in Greek law have now intensified, following the 28-year-old woman’s death, highlighting the urgent need to address gender-based violence.
Source: Ekathimerini.