The Director of the Areopolis Health Centre in Greece, Dr Anargyros D. Mariolis, has been named ‘Best Family Doctor’ in the world for 2021 by The World Organisation of Family Doctors (WONCA).
The award is conferred every two years on physicians around the world who have made a significant impact on the health of individuals and communities, through their personal contribution to healthcare and the medical profession.
This year, Dr Mariolis has been honoured for his health work in both the urban and rural areas of Greece, such as Mani.
“Looking daily through the window of patients, who are now illuminated by this award, the need for new human values arises,” Dr Mariolis said after receiving the distinction.
“We must all work hard and decisively to paint a brighter sun all over the world, which will spread its warmth everywhere, for the Primary Health Care sector and the family doctor.”
Dr Mariolis has also been named the ‘Best Family Doctor in Europe’ for 2019 and since September 2020, has been a member of the Committee of Experts of the Ministry of Health.