Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias called on Germany to “set a clear example” in the European Union and halt its scheduled sale of weapons to Turkey amid increased tensions in the Aegean and the eastern Mediterranean over energy resources and territorial claims.
“I really fail to understand Germany’s reluctance to use the enormous power of its economy to set a clear example to countries that they must obey international law,” Dendias was quoted as saying in an interview with Politico published on Saturday.
Athens has specifically asked Berlin to stop the delivery of six Type 214 submarines ordered by Turkey, saying that the vessels would upset the balance of power in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Turkey on Friday rejected a call by the European Parliament for sanctions against Ankara over President Tayyip Erdogan’s recent visit to the breakaway Turkish Cypriot state in north Cyprus, calling the demand “disconnected from the realities”.
On Thursday, the European Union’s parliament agreed a non-binding resolution in support of EU member Cyprus urging EU leaders to “take action and impose tough sanctions” against Turkey, a move likely to bolster support for France’s push for sanctions on Ankara at an EU summit next month.
Turkey is at odds with EU members Greece and Cyprus over hydrocarbon exploration in disputed east Mediterranean waters.
Sourced By: Ekatherimini/Reuters