Giorgia Meloni, the new Prime Minister of Italy, used a Greek word during her speech at the ‘Brave Energies’ conference in order to showcase that Italians need to be more passionate.
‘Meraki’ – The famous Greek word that is so difficult translate in English.
‘Meraki’ means to do something with passion, with absolute devotion, with undivided attention. No matter how difficult a task, it is done with all your effort, with enthusiasm.
The Italian Prime Minister mentioned during her speech at the conference that: “This is the time to unleash our best energy. We have to use that approach that the Greeks call and describe with an extraordinary word: meraki.”

Several Italian newspapers have tried to explain the word. The daily Corriere della Sera wrote that ‘Meraki’ is a modern Greek word that derives from a Serbian root and expresses a sense of completeness and belonging to the universe felt by a human being faced with the little wonders of life, such as a sunset or a good meal with loved ones.
Meloni, 45, is Italy’s first female prime minister and has positioned herself as a fresh face after keeping her party out of Mario Draghi’s unity government, the latest in a long line of fragile Italian coalitions.
Meloni formed a right-wing coalition with Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia party and Matteo Salvini’s anti-immigrant League.
Source: news.italy24.