A joint investigation by 60 Minutes Australia, The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age has shed light on Bill Papas’ new life in Greece as he avoids fraud allegations by Westpac in Australia.
The 60 Minutes episode, which is titled ‘Half A Billion Dollar Bill’ and aired on Sunday night, showed Papas living the high life in Athens as dozens of victims in Australia have been left to deal with the mess he left behind.
READ MORE: Alleged fraudster, Bill Papas, makes girlfriend a director of Xanthi FC.
One small business owner, Deb Roberts from Quantum Transport Solutions, shared how Papas’ Forum Finance group left her with a damaged credit history and $180,000 out of pocket.
Meanwhile, McGrathNicol partner and Forum liquidator, Jason Ireland, described Papas’ alleged fraud as the biggest he’s ever seen.
In a statement, sent to 60 Minutes by defamation lawyer Rebekah Giles, Papas said: “I do intend to address the matters raised at an appropriate time but for now, my primary focus is my health.”
READ MORE: Greek authorities confirm Bill Papas owns Xanthi FC.