Holy Synod approves new Constitution for the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia


The Holy and Sacred Synod has unanimously approved the new Constitution of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia (GOAA).

The Constitution was approved by the Holy Synod at a meeting convened at the Phanar in Turkey on Thursday, August 29. The meeting was presided over by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, and Archbishop Makarios of Australia was also present.

According to a statement after the meeting, the Holy Synod “extensively discussed the issue of the new Constitution.” Archbishop Makarios was invited to participate in the discussion, addressing questions and concerns raised by members of the Holy Synod.

“Following the discussion, Archbishop Makarios received heartfelt congratulations from the Synod members in recognition of his dedicated efforts,” the statement read.

holy synod greek orthodox archdiocese of australia constitution
The Constitution was approved by the Holy Synod at a meeting convened at the Phanar in Turkey on Thursday, August 29. Photo: Nikos Papachristou / Ecumenical Patriarchate.

This decision of the Holy Synod comes after the GOAA updated its governance structure in February 2024. The GOAA is now governed on the basis of a Holy Eparchial Synod, with Archbishop Makarios as President and active “Regional Bishops” as members.

These “Regional Bishops” were selected in July 2024 and look over the newly-established Dioceses of Canberra, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane, and Chora (previously known as the District of Northcote). The specific appointments are:

  • Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis as Regional Bishop of Melbourne
  • Bishop Elpidios of Kyanea as Regional Bishop of Perth
  • Bishop Silouan of Sinope as Regional Bishop of Adelaide
  • Bishop Bartholomew of Charioupolis as Regional Bishop of Brisbane
  • Bishop Evmenios of Kerasounta as Regional Bishop of Chora
New regional Greek Orthodox Bishops have been appointed for Australia following a meeting of the Holy and Sacred Synod on Tuesday, July 16 and Wednesday, July 17.
(L-R) Bishop Evmenios of Chora, Bishop Bartholomew of Brisbane and Bishop Silouan of Adelaide are some of the new regional Bishops.

There are no further details yet as to how the Holy Eparchial Synod will work in Australia.

The model used by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America is concerned with the “life, mission, growth and unity of the Archdiocese.” Its Holy Eparchial Synod deliberates on matters of a canonical nature such as approving ordination of candidates to the priesthood, clergy discipline, and administrative matters related to the parishes and monasteries of the Archdiocese, among many other things.




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