Denis A. Conomos, a member of the Kytherian Association of Australia (KAA) and of Kytherian descent, is the author of the book ‘The Greeks in Queensland, A History from 1859-1945’.
The KAA, through the generosity of the Aroney Trustees, provided funding to help with the research and publication of the book. The book was first published in 2002.
The book is based on interviews conducted by Denis with approximately 200 Greek migrants who migrated to Australia prior to the Second World War.
The people interviewed came from all parts of Greece but the largest group was Kytherian. Descendants of those interviewed now live in all parts of Australia and overseas.

The book is the culmination of over twenty years of research and it is a detailed history of the
Greeks in Queensland from the beginning of Statehood in 1859 to the end of the Second World War. Denis also covers some migration to NSW.
‘The Greeks in Queensland’ deals with the life in Greece, departure, voyage, arrival and experiences in Australia of the Greek migrants, the initial settlers being Kytherians – Harry Menegas and Arthur
and John Comino, who settled in Sydney.
The Comino brothers established a successful café business. When news of their success reached Kythera, many young Kytherian men decided to migrate to Sydney. Among them were the Freeleagus brothers, who were to repeat the Comino success story in Brisbane.

Denis feels that these stories of the early Greek pioneers should be told.
Although the KAA has sold out of this book, it is available for purchase through its publishing house
CopyRight Publishing and it retails for $49.50, plus postage.
If you would like to purchase this wonderful book, please contact CopyRight Publishing in Brisbane,
through the following means:
• John McRobert on 0402 858 818
*This article was initially published in the November-December 2021 newsletter of the Kytherian Association of Australia.