The Greek Community of Melbourne in collaboration with White Ribbon Australia are proud and honoured to present a seminar on domestic violence awareness and prevention in Australia.
The keynote speaker of this seminar is public figure and domestic violence victim/ survivor, Ms. Simone O’Brien.
Simone’s journey started in 2012 when she suffered a horrific domestic violence attack at the hands of a perpetrator who would not take “no” for an answer. It started with emotional and psychological abuse, including telling lies, stealing money and insults. And it ended with her being beaten with a baseball bat to within inches of her life. Since then, Simone uses her personal story to show enormous determination, resilience, courage and strength.
“I want to champion non-violence against women and children. Together, let us stop domestic violence,” Simone states.

Simone actively raises awareness about domestic violence prevention with organisations such as AFL clubs, Australia’s CEO Challenge, and the Police.
In addition, Simone is a proud patron of several organisations including BeyondDV, Rizeup Australia, Australia say NO MORE, and Good360 Australia.
“We are very proud to be collaborating with White Ribbon Australia on this seminar. We thank Simone for sharing her journey with us and importantly offering us advice on how we can be part of the prevention as individuals, as an organisation and as a community,” Ms. Tammy Iliou, Vice-President of the GCM, stated.
“The GCM will continue to raise awareness on domestic violence and hopes for further collaboration with White Ribbon Australia. In addition, I would like to thank Ms. Penny Marangos, who is a Victorian Committee Board Member with White Ribbon Australia, for approaching the GCM and initiating our partnership.”
You can attend this free event that will be held on the 24th of August, 7pm at the Delphi Bank Mezz. Please register your attendance via Try booking. The event will be concurrently live streaming via social media.