Some members of the Greek Community of Melbourne (GCM) have put forward a motion asking the Board of Directors to name a specific level of the Greek Centre on Lonsdale Street in honour of former Greek Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou.
According to the motion:
a. in 1994, during the prime ministership of Andreas Papandreou, the GOCMV was provided by the Greek State a grant of $4,750,000 AUD for the repayment of its loan debt to the National Australia Bank, which could not be serviced by the Community which at that time was in receivership.

b. in 2003, during the prime ministership of Costas Simitis, the GOCMV was granted a further $2,680,000 AUD to serve the needs of the necessary expansion of Alphington Grammar School.
The members want to rename a level of the Greek Centre in honour of Papandreou to recognise his contributions towards the GCM when he was Prime Minister.
The motion has been moved by GCM member Kostas Karamarkos and seconded by Michalis S. Michael. It will be discussed at the GCM’s upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Sunday, February 18.