Adelaide Lord Mayor holds reception to mark centenary of Australia’s Greek Orthodox Archdiocese


On Monday 24 June, the Lord Mayor of Adelaide Dr Jane Lomax-Smith held a reception in honour of the centenary of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia (GOAA). Archbishop Makarios and the Archdiocesan District of Adelaide joined the City of Adelaide to commemorate and celebrate this significant and important milestone of the GOAA.

Addressing guests, the Lord Mayor emphasised the deep contribution that the Greek diaspora has made to the city and the Adelaide City Council, changing the face of Adelaide from the roots of society. The Lord Mayor expressed her admiration for the contribution of the church to the community, and all the men and women who have upheld their faith and cultural traditions.

Archbishop Makarios thanked the Lord Mayor for her cordial and welcoming reception, expressing his gratitude to be a part of the Australian multicultural fabric.

The Archbishop acknowledged that the GOAA began its journey with challenges, but that “our migrant forebearers had deep faith in God, trusting in Him and relied on the protection of the Holy Mother of God.” He expressed that in so doing, and “with their utter determination and hard work, along with their self-sacrificing mindset and ethos, the Grace of the Holy Spirit blessed their endeavours and enabled our church to bear fruit and flourish.”

The Archbishop commended the parish priests, presidents and committees for their great efforts, as well as emphasising the importance of organisations such as the Greek Welfare Centre, St Basil’s Homes and schools like St George College.

SA Minister for Transport, Tom Koutsantonis finalised proceedings thanking Archbishop Makarios, Bishop Silouan of Sinope and the clergy, emphasising that without the Archdiocese and its guidance, its truth and its offer of true communion with Christ, the maintenance of the Orthodox faith would not be possible.

As state Treasurer in 2016, Minister Koutsantonis provided $100,000 of support to St George Church in Port Pirie, the first Greek Orthodox Church in South Australia, ensuring its maintenance and longevity for the community.

Minister Koutsantonis finalised proceedings by supporting the unification amongst Greek communities and the Orthodox church in the state.

“South Australia is the last remaining jurisdiction where there are some difficulties. Those difficulties, like a good father and shepherd, our Archbishop wants to heal… with love, and it is beautiful what he is attempting to do. And the South Australian Government… is fully committed in any power possible that we have… to unify our Church,” he said.

Specials guests present at the event included: The Hon. Tom Koutsantonis MP, Minister for Infrastructure and Transport representing the Hon. Peter Malinauskas MP – Premier of South Australia; His Excellency Stavros Venizelos, Ambassador of Greece in Australia; The Hon. Andrea Michaels MP, Minister for Small and Family Business, Minister for Consumer and Business Affairs and Minister for Arts; The Hon. Jing Lee MLC, Deputy Leader of the Opposition; The Hon. Connie Bonaros MLC, The Hon. Olivia Savvas MP; The Hon. Cressida O’Hanlon MP; The Right Honourable the Lord Mayor of Adelaide Dr Jane Lomax-Smith; Archbishop Makarios – Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in Australia; Bishop Silouan of Sinope; Consul-General of Greece in Adelaide, Mr George Psiachas; Deputy Lord Mayor Keiran Snape; Councillor Mary Couros; and Dr Vladamir Devrelis, President of the Greek Orthodox Intercommunities Council of South Australia.




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