One of Australia’s major retailers, Godfrey’s Group, is closing due to rising living costs and economic difficulties, which prompted its dissolution following a profit-making period.
Founded in 1931, Godfrey’s is one of the world’s largest vacuum retailers with strong South Australian links.
Knock Knock Cleaning Service owner Maria Mavromatis, 36, of Wayville, shopped at Unley Godfreys since starting her business seven years ago.
Mavromatis, who employs eight workers, hurried to the retail chain that felt like a “family” and discovered a fire sale, spending at least $1700 at the store.

According to The Advertiser, the retail chain plunged into voluntary administration on Tuesday, prompting a sales rush on heavily discounted goods
“I came in because I wanted to support the store and the local business but it was very emotional coming in and saying goodbye to the people that know me and the things I need,” Mavromatis said.
“…I think there were discounts up to 75 per cent off and I was able to buy vacuums, chemicals and other supplies for very cheap.”
Within a month, the Godfrey’s will close at least 54 outlets, including its Unley store in Adelaide’s inner southern suburbs and the Hilton “superstore” in the city’s west.
A decade-long transition into commercial cleaning goods failed to enhance revenues, and it missed the consumer change to stick-vac vacuums, which hurt sales.
Source: The Advertiser