The Pancretan Association of Melbourne elected its new Board of Management on Monday, April 3.
During the election, the Pancretan Association elected the second woman President in its history, Aggie Mihelakis. Ms Mihelakis accepted with great honour the challenge to head the Association moving forward.
“It is my honour and privilege as a member of this Association to continue the values of respect, duty, loyalty and selfless service to this organisation in preserving our Cretan culture by providing an environment whereby our next generation will continue to thrive with the same passion of our fore-founders,” Ms Mihelakis said.
The Board consists of a total of fifteen members and they are as follows:
- Aggie Mihelakis President,
- Mary Rissakis Vice President A’,
- Dimitris Papadimitrakis Vice President B’,
- Petros Fragkiadakis Secretary,
- Joanna Psarakis Assistant Secretary,
- John Karadakis Treasurer,
- Spiro Nikolakakis Assistant Treasurer,
- George Sevastakis Public Relations Officer A’,
- Paula Sagiadellis Public Relations Officer B’.
- Committee Members: George Leondakis, Manolis Leondakis, John Kontekakis, John Dermitzakis, John Nikolakakis and Nicholas Ligidakis.