Q&A with Zoe Zeniodi: The first Greek conductor for Opera Australia


Over the past week, Zoe Zeniodi has made history as the first Greek conductor for Opera Australia. She is currently conducting Mozart’s Così fan tutte (2024) at the Sydney Opera House until Saturday, August 17.

Fortunately for us, Zoe was able to take some time out of her busy practice schedule to answer our questions on how it feels to be making history.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and how you came to be a conductor.

    My life in music started early on with piano lessons. I had a very good career as a pianist, mainly in England and Europe for over 10 years. My specialisation was vocal accompaniment and I gave a lot of recitals with wonderful artists all over Europe. My conducting career was initiated by various coincidences. I decided to go to the USA to do my Doctorate Degree in Piano and there I met my mentor, Thomas Sleeper, who was fundamental in the process of changing my career from piano to conducting. I had not seen it coming until I met him, but it was a natural process after all my past in music making. It was really clear early on that this was the right path for me. I loved the world of conducting as soon as I understood what it is really about.

    Zoe Zeniodi
    Zoe Zeniodi conducting. Photo: Kike Barona.
    You’ve conducted in various iconic venues and collaborated with many well-known opera companies. What do you love the most about your career?

      I love music. I love to study scores, I love all the open possibilities given to a musician when one works in this amazing language called music. And then, I love the rehearsal process, how one builds the form, the architecture, the sound, the colour, the essence of the works one conducts. I love being able to connect to musicians and audiences, to be able to ‘translate’ and transform emotion into music and vice versa. It is a very difficult path and one must have really great skills in order to continue in this path successfully. 

      What are the challenges and also the rewards you face as a female conductor?

        The path has not been easy but, to be honest, the last 10 years have really changed the old habits. I feel that we are at a point where women are now fully accepted into the profession and the only issue is that some people still have not been informed or notified… I really do not feel that we should be talking about one’s gender in this profession. We are all doing our jobs and I find it correct when the right people are at the right place and do the right job! 

        Zoe Zeniodi
        Zoe Zeniodi is the first Greek conductor for Opera Australia. Photo: Jean Baptiste Millot.
        This year, you became the first Greek conductor at the Sydney Opera House. How did this come about? How does it feel to be making history?

          It is a real honour for me to be invited by Opera Australia to conduct at the Sydney Opera House. This is not my first visit to this amazing country. I was initially invited by Opera Queensland to conduct two productions there. So, last year I conducted Cosi Fan Tutte in Brisbane and Opera Australia came to watch the opening performance. It was a great success and I was immediately invited to come over to conduct the same opera (different production though) this season. Making history is sweet and nice, makes one feel proud. But, the most important thing is to do everything possible in order to keep sharing music and art with people.

          You are conducting Mozart’s Così fan tutte (2024). What can people expect from the performance?

            It is an amazing work of art, it is a masterpiece, it is totally touching and funny and sweet and passionate and human. The energy is amazing, the cast is wonderful, the staging and design are beautiful and the music is divine. Do not miss it!

            Zoe Zeniodi
            Zoe Zeniodi is conducting Mozart’s ‘Così fan tutte’ for Opera Australia. Photo: Kike Barona.
            What’s next for you?

              I am going back to Greece for 10 days of study and then I am off to South America for concerts in Brazil and Uruguay. Immediately after, I have a big production in Belgium until mid November and this is followed by concerts in Cyprus. During that time, I am continuing my work as the Artistic Director of “El Sistema Greece,” an organisation that offers free music education to children. If you haven’t heard of this organisation, please check it out. We are helping hundreds of children by offering them music education, instruments, lessons, travels, exchanges, concerts and possibilities they would never be able to have. 

              Is there anything else you’d like to say?

                I love Australia. I have said it too many times already but… you live in the best country in the world. I would move here yesterday if I could! 



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