Greece Deputy Foreign Minister sends message to diaspora ahead of OXI Day


Greece’s Deputy Foreign Minister Giorgos Kotsiras has sent an OXI (‘NO’) Day message to Australia’s Greek diaspora ahead of October 28.

Full message in English:

Dear Compatriots,

Today’s anniversary of “OXI Day” is a day of remembrance and pride for the Greek people, who on October 28, 1940, stood tall and, with national unity and solidarity, fought against the Axis forces. Today, we honour those who fought and sacrificed their lives for our freedom, writing one of the most glorious chapters in modern Greek history, the epic of 1940, and defending the timeless and fundamental values of Hellenism, such as democracy, freedom, independence, and justice.

The critical and fluid international period we are currently experiencing makes the anniversary of October 28 exceptionally relevant, bringing to the forefront those timeless and universal values that inspired our ancestors and continue to inspire Greeks all over the world. Today, more than ever, we are called to highlight together the enduring messages of October 28, the ideals and values that remain the firm points of reference and the guiding compass of our nation. It is no coincidence that Dialogue, Diplomacy, and Democracy—Greek-origin words with universal significance—form the guiding principles of Greece during its tenure as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the 2025-2026 period.

We are proud of the Greeks of the Diaspora, who are undoubtedly our best ambassadors beyond the borders of the motherland. Not only do they promote Hellenism as a vessel of universal values, but they also significantly contribute to the protection of national interests and the international image of Greece.

Strengthening the Greek presence worldwide and our ties with the Diaspora is a matter of national priority for us. With this vision, we have proceeded at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the creation of the Strategic Plan for the Greek Diaspora 2024-2027, a comprehensive plan for the Greeks of the Diaspora, with clear objectives and actions.

Dear compatriots,

In an era when challenges to peace and security are multi-dimensional and more complex than ever, Greece remains a pillar of stability, always faithful to the values for which the heroes we honour on today’s anniversary of October 28 fought and sacrificed their lives. Today, all Greeks are called upon to move forward with national unity, creativity, and confidence to achieve our national goals and work towards a better and more just world for future generations.

Long live October 28!
Happy OXI Day to all Greek women and men!




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