Turkey creates ‘digital twin’ of Hagia Sophia


The Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism has finalised a complete scan of Hagia Sophia to create its perfect “digital twin.”

According to Turkish state broadcaster TRT Haber, the scan is part of a programme to produce a “holistic record” of the monument.

The project started in 2022 and included a high-analysis scan of Hagia Sophia, using the latest scanning techniques.

hagia sophia turkey digital twin scan
Turkey has created a “digital twin” of Hagia Sophia. Screenshot from TRT Haber.

The scan has now been stored in a database so that it can be used if Hagia Sophia ever needs to be accurately rebuilt in the event of the monument collapsing from an earthquake or other disaster.

The database will also store a number of newly written academic papers and books on Hagia Sophia and its construction.

Scientists working on the project said this database can help protect Hagia Sophia without disrupting its historic characteristics and properties, or destroying its “excellent structure.”

Source: AMNA.gr.




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